What is the Vivos System®?

The Vivos System is a multi-disciplinary treatment approach designed to address sleep-disordered breathing including snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). It combines the use of specially designed oral appliances with a holistic approach to treatment, aiming to improve airway health. The system focuses on addressing the underlying causes of sleep-disordered breathing by potentially remodeling the airway and improving the structural relationships within the jaws and oral cavity.

How does the Vivos System work?

The Vivos System works by using custom-made oral appliances that are worn as directed by the doctor. These appliances are designed to gradually expand the jaw, increasing the volume of the airway and improving the ability to breathe freely. This nonsurgical approach aims to enhance the patient’s breathing during sleep, leading to improved sleep quality and overall health.

What is myofunctional therapy?

Myofunctional therapy is a program of specific exercises that target the muscles of the mouth and face. The goal of these exercises is to improve breathing, bite, and orofacial posture by training the muscles to function correctly. It can be used to treat a variety of issues, including sleep-disordered breathing, TMJ disorders, and speech impediments. Myofunctional therapy is often recommended as a complementary treatment to the Vivos System.

Who can benefit from the Vivos System and myofunctional therapy?

Individuals of all ages can benefit from the Vivos System and myofunctional therapy, especially those suffering from sleep-disordered breathing, obstructive sleep apnea, snoring, TMJ disorders, and some forms of orthodontic or orofacial concerns. A thorough evaluation by a trained dental professional is necessary to determine if these treatments are appropriate for you.

How long does treatment with the Vivos System take?

The duration of treatment with the Vivos System varies depending on the individual’s specific condition and needs. Typically, treatment can last anywhere from 12 to 24 months. Patients usually start noticing subtle improvements in their symptoms within the first few months of treatment.

Is the treatment with the Vivos System painful?

The treatment is not painful. If you do experience discomfort or have any concerns or questions, please contact your provider.

Can myofunctional therapy be done at home?

Yes, after initial training and guidance from a certified myofunctional therapist, many of the exercises involved in myofunctional therapy can be performed at home. Consistency and commitment to the exercises are key to achieving the best outcomes.

Are the Vivos System and myofunctional therapy covered by insurance?

Coverage varies by insurance plan. Some insurance companies may cover part or all of the cost associated with the Vivos System and myofunctional therapy, especially if deemed medically necessary. It’s important to check with your insurance provider for specific coverage details.

How do I know if I am a candidate for the Vivos System or myofunctional therapy?

The best way to determine if you are a candidate for the Vivos System or myofunctional therapy is to schedule a consultation with a dental professional trained in these therapies. They will perform a comprehensive evaluation, including a review of your medical and dental history, a physical examination, and possibly imaging studies, to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for you.

Can children benefit from the Vivos System and myofunctional therapy?

50% of young patients diagnosed with ADD or ADHD do not have that condition. Instead, they have an airway condition. No young child should receive medication prior to receiving a sleep study and airway test. Children can significantly benefit from receiving treatment with the Vivos System and myofunctional therapy, especially those with developing jaws and teeth, sleep-disordered breathing or orofacial myofunctional disorders. Early intervention can lead to better outcomes by addressing the root causes of these conditions during critical growth periods.

Schedule A Consultation

Call today to schedule your personal consultation with our dentist, Dr. Richard Durando, and learn more about the Vivos System and myofunctional therapy in Menlo Park, California!